CEYLON Tonight Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Ceylon will have services at 5:30 p.m. with communion. They have services on the first and third Saturday e
WELCOME There will be an American Red Cross blood drive from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. today, Oct. 27, at the Live Fit gym, 1215 N. State St. in Fairmont. This was
The Martin County West school district continues their public meetings to provide information about the November 7th bond referendum, asking voters to weigh in on whether to build a new building to house all students and staff in preschool through 12th grade under one roof in Sherburn.
The ballot
SHERBURN There will be a CREST-sponsored Lunch & Learn beginning 11 a.m. today, Oct. 18, at First Lutheran Church in Trimont. The program will be Becca