Karan Johar recently took a dig at the comedy show Madness Machayenge after a promo aired that shows Kettan Singh mimicking him. Paritosh Tripathi has reacted to the incident.
Comedian Paritosh Tripathi reacts to filmmaker Karan Johar calling out his Madness Machaenge co-star Kettan Singh for mimicking him in an unflattering manner.
Comedian Paritosh Tripathi stepped up to support his fellow comedian Kettan Singh after director Karan Johar indirectly criticized him for mimicking him in Madness Machayenge: Duniya Ko Hasayenge . Following Johar s expression of disappointment about feeling disrespected on Instagram, Singh promptly apologized. However, Tripathi has come forward to defend his colleague, emphasizing that their intention was not to ridicule anyone.