It’s fair to say that most of the time when human resources professionals and lawyers find themselves working together on something, things have gotten complicated. Since 1987, when those often
Tim Hudson gathered his breath, pulled his trumpet up to his lips and began to play taps, a military bugle call that rang out into the still-damp air around Duke University Chapel. When he did, many
How Duke's medical benefits protect physical and financial well-being One morning in June 2018, Gordon Wang walked to the J.B. Duke Hotel, he assumed, to provide support for a Weekend Executive MBA
With a proven record of providing access to world class health care, while also remaining a strong value, Duke’s employee medical, dental and vision insurance plans give staff, faculty and their
Each day, roughly 43,100 staff and faculty at Duke University and Duke University Health System devote their time, expertise, and energy to fulfilling Duke’s mission of delivering world class