They included transforming suitable parts of existing urban areas into lifestyle community clusters around mass transit. Developing a mass transit system to connect population and employment centres and offer an alternative to cars and moving more people in fewer, larger mass transit vehicles accessible by bike or walking were part of the solutions identified. The survey starts out seeking to find out what features respondents are seeking in a mass transit system. Population growth scenario 1. It then asks how important it was to have a good mass transit system, before delving into the integrated public transport master plan and how it fits together.
Finally the floodgates have opened and the community is able to have its say on the future of transport in the region, in particular, mass transit and the possibility of a light rail system along the coastal fringe. It s clear from the survey and the Draft Options Analysis Report there is a preferred option the council has its sights set on - light rail. Even the long-awaited CAMCOS heavy rail connection into Maroochydore came under scrutiny in the draft report, in which it was pitted against the first stage of a mass transit system which unsurprisingly scored extremely highly in many of the scorecards within the council report.