BALLOON GLOW AND LASER SHOW: The inaugural event will be held Jan. 19-20, 5 p.m., at NOLA Motorsports, 11075 Nicolle Blvd. in Avondale. Admission begins at $20, $10 for children,
BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS COMMEMORATION: The 209th anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans will be marked Jan. 5, 6 and 8 at Chalmette Battlefield, 8606 W. St. Bernard Highway
NOON YEAR’S EVE: Louisiana Children’s Museum will host a celebration on Dec. 31, 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m., at 15 Henry Thomas Drive in New Orleans City Park, culminating with confetti and
It was with some dismay that I read the article on Celebration in the Oaks by Doug McCash that appeared on Nov. 13. The article did not portray an accurate
It was with some dismay that I read the article on Celebration in the Oaks by Doug McCash that appeared on Nov. 13. The article did not portray an accurate