Hulu's June lineup includes the third installment of FX's The Bear, documentaries about The Brat Pack, break dancing, and fashion, and livestreams from Pride Month.
The internationally acclaimed dance company Kun Yang-Lin/Dancers makes their first appearance in Houston this fall at Asia Society Texas with 'KyLin's Garden 麒麟的花園: A Space For Tending, Sharing & Imagination.'
The Andes Dance Collective, founded by dancer/choreographers Gloria McLean, Columbine Macher, David Capps and composer/performer Marshall Coid, presents the DELAWARE COUNTY 2ND DANCE FILM FESTIVAL AND WORKSHOP, bringing new dance and music events to the Catskills Delaware County region. This year, in two 4-day weekends, July 21-24 and August 4-7, the Festival will include two live dance/music performances (premieres), film screenings, and dance workshops.
Gamelan Kusuma Laras presents an evening of Javanese music for the public in the klenengan format. An informal music event in Java, a klenèngan features musicians who gather for a kind of jam session, often arranged by a family for a special event. Typically lasting until late at night, audience members are intimately involved, integrating the social with the musical.