true. let me ask you something. back there in 2009, 2010, 2011, you weren t sent to washington to abinstruct and the answer was yes we were. this was about principle opposition. we will not let the white house and the president do things that we know that are to the cause of the american people. doesn t that apply now for the democrats and how they see trump in his white house. absolutely. they re just picking a wrong fight. the idea that we re going to make those fights on appointments to cabinet positions is frankly unprecedented. i served during the clinton administration. i don t recall. maybe i voted against that. but i don t recall doing that and the reason i didn t is because the president wins the election. he can put his own people in place. may not agree with the policies of the president but you don t abinstruct qualified people to do the job that the president is set out to do.
sidney blumenthal, tab 11, which he wrote this to you: this is a historic moment and you will be credited for realizing it, when gadhafi himself is finally-ñsr removed you should make a public statement before the cameras where you are, even in the driveway of your vacation home you. must go on camera. that was blumenthal admonishment to you. don t recall doing that in case you ask me. you forwarded blumenthal s suggestion to jake sullivan and you were focused how dramatic it would be. you were working to making this the story of the day in this is k#%uz jake, tab 11: this is your words, madam secretary. sid makes a good case for what should i say but it s premised on being said after gadhafi goes, which will make it more dramatic. that s my hesitancy since i m not slur how many chances i ll get. so, two months before the end of