industry of the cash it needs to supply plentiful and affordable oil and gas energy to americans to put americans out of work is going to increase our expenses. it s s going to make it more expensive to fill up your car and to keep your house warm. there s another huge should go to law and that was brought out by senator pat toomey of a pennsylvania who pointed out that she s proposing to usends o the awesome power of regulatory rules ofme unelected bureaucrats to do things that the congress hasn t even wanted to do itself. so taking under herself the sort of power that the members of the house in the senate don t even want to take on themselves. and lastly, the issue here as well, she promised the senators to pass statements that she wouldn t really follow through on those. but i don tte think we can trust her at all. you pointed to a sweet deal one and a half million dollars that she got for three years of>
being on the wrong side of history. how many times have heard that usually they reim trying to rewrite the constitution or advance some kind of radical agendae? yet as the games in china kick off, they are the oneshe who are on the wrong side of history. they have no problem summoning self righteous indignationo, words of moral condemnation against joe rogan or fox or anti mandate donald trump. do they but china not so much. the angle will never ignore screams of the voiceless. we cannot pretend not to see what s happening in china and to that endn we again urge you to join our not one minute campaign during the next two weeks we can celebrate the olympians when they get home. but don t give nbc or presidentx xi a minute ofi your time and that s the angle. joining us now is cancer
delegation as a physician and he told me that their entire day consists of going to their residence, their hotel, whatever it s called, and then going to the competition or practiceca and then going back , there is no traveling outside of the of the you know, of the facilities. u there skn no sightseeing. there s no nothing. so there is no opportunity to talk to chinese people or none. not nothing. that s their experience in china. propaganda. pa that sga all i m saying propaganda. and obviously, you know, i feel like athletes need to push it, but i don t have haven t seen know brave athletes that came out and said enough and i m going to just make it through the show the whole world that real china. but all i m saying is that they re going to usehe
and the millions he s made off undermining our election and he appears to be a one man lincoln project. in fact, the lincoln projectct gave him forty five thousand dollars. they kind of deserve each other. joining me now is shawn davis, co-founder of the federalist. now shawn, republicans gerrymander too for people who don t really get what that is, it s kind ofer redrawig congressional districts and there s some limitations on how you can do it. but by the looks of it, the democrats actually kind of were more clever than the republicans and their recent gerrymandering efforts, e correct? nd they were it helps that thy end upwe doing their i d say mot dastardly redistricting in states where the courts are fairly on their side. they don t seem to have many federal restrictions on it. but yeah, i would say they are playing the dirty trick redistricting game pretty good right now. i want to show what jerry r nadler s district looks likeed and elias helped with this.
well, i imagine that some forward-thinking clerks in california will start issuing marriage licenses today. wow, that s really something. today, he said. i don t think anybody i don t have haven t heard anybody predict that. but now that you think of it, it s probably likely the case. i mean, it s interesting well, i challenge i challenge clerks in california to do so. to take that bold step as faith. congressman mark takano. we appreciate it. and pete williams, you have tom goldstein. i do. i want to start by, tom, asking you, let s talk about the two decisions, first of all. very different basis. let me ask you, number one, are these are these decisions today about gay rights? they are about gay rights in