Rohit Shetty’s Khatron Ke Khiladi 13 finally premiered on TV last week amid huge buzz and expectations. Several known names including Shiv Thakare are seen in KKK 13; one is Rohit Roy. In a recent interview, Rohit Roy opened up about doing Bigg Boss and took a dig at Akanksha Puri and Jad Hadid’s liplock in Bigg Boss OTT 2. Here’s what he said.
Pandya Store is all set to take a generational leap. Priyanshi Yadav will play the new lead along with Rohit Chandel, who is paired opposite her. Rohit Chandel will be seen essaying the role of Dhaval. Krutika Desai plays Suman in the show, who will be a support system for Natasha and encourage her to take the legacy forward.