Vote vote the presiding officer are there any senators in the chamber wishing to change their votes . If not, the ayes are 89, the nays are 11, and the motion is agreed to. Under the previous order, h. Con. Res. 121 and h. Con. Res. 123 are considered and agreed to en bloc and the motions to reconsider are considered made and laid upon the table en bloc. The republican leader. Mr. Mcconnell could we have attention the attention of the senate. The presiding officer the senate will be in order. Mr. Mcconnell i want to take just a moment to speak on something that is an overwhelming bipartisan desire to achieve and this is to finish tonight. And theres no good reason not to. Were working to clear an agreement on our side to process the c. R. omnibus, the extenders bill, and tria tonight. Tonight. And as for right now, i can tell you were prepared to go forward on the extenders bill and therefore i would ask unanimous consent at the time determined by the majority leader after consultation