A PATH around Hellister Loch in Weisdale has come out top in a public vote on possible footpaths in the Tingwall, Whiteness and Weisdale area. A total of 268 people took part in the consultation, which was run by local group Win Furt. The group has now started more detailed.
SALMON producer Scottish Sea Farms has completed a £2.5 million refit of its Lerwick processing facility, doubling capacity in Shetland to 50,000 tonnes annually. The company acquired the facility at Gremista as part of its purchase of Grieg Seafood Shetland in December 2021,.
The Pacific Power Association convened in the CNMI for its 30th annual conference and trade exhibition. Acting executive director of the Commonwealth Utilities Corporation Betty G. Terlaje said,
In marking the 85th annual conference of the People’s National Party, today we feature 12 individuals who, with little or no experience in elective politics, are being prepared to represent the .