By following the Liturgy of Domestic Church Life we are able to implement simple, achievable practices that help us practice our baptismal mission to be priests, prophets and royals, both at home and in the world.
WASHINGTON (OSV News) Tom Lyman, director of Family Rosary, hopes that especially during Lent which calls Catholics to commit more time to the Lord in prayer families will pray the rosary together and take part in the ministry s At the Foot of the Cross Lenten campaign.
Family Rosary is part of Holy Cross Family Ministries, which continues the mission of Holy Cross Father Patrick Peyton, known for the adage The family that prays together stays together. Because he urged families to
The Venerable Patrick Peyton, now on the road toward sainthood, traveled worldwide during his lifetime, preaching on the importance of prayer, especially family prayer, out of deep gratitude to God and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Families gathered at the Eucharistic Congress in June to celebrate how the hubbub and clamor around their tables and in living rooms are places to meet Jesus.