গত কয়েক দিনের বৃষ্টিতে সারা উত্তর ভারতে জনজীবন বিপর্যস্ত। উত্তরপ্রদেশের অনেক এলাকাও যমুনার জলে প্লাবিত হয়েছে। বৃষ্টিতে ফুলে ওঠা নদীতেই মাছ ধরতে জাল ফেলেছিলেন অভিযুক্তেরা।
The dolphin drive hunt in Japan received a public outcry from the international community. Dolphins have been reportedly slaughtered as the annual dolphin hunt has commenced in Japan's whaling town of Taiji.
Faroe islanders stabbed the bottlenose dolphins using hooks, knives, and spears. Around 100 bottlenose dolphins have died amid new Faroe Island dolphin hunting that occurred on Friday, July 29.
The Faroe Islands, a Danish autonomous territory, said Tuesday it had begun discussions about the future of its controversial dolphin hunt, with a decision expected in the coming weeks.
The Faroe Islands, a Danish autonomous territory, said it had begun discussions about the future of its controversial dolphin hunt, with a decision expected soon.