Portsmouth Herald
To the Editor:
The recent uptick in anti-Semitic violence in New York and other American cities is very concerning. These violent acts coupled with the curious behavior of the White House towards Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Israeli people in general is alarming.
Despite the fact that a large portion of Jewish people vote the Democrat ticket, the seemingly lax attitude of party leaders, with few exceptions, gives one pause. It is increasingly obvious that policies of this administration are not particularly friendly to one of our staunchest allies, Israel.
Unfortunately, news media reports appear sympathetic towards Israel’s enemies by downplaying or drawing moral equivalents about Palestinian attacks against a sovereign nation. Israel, a dot in the midst of a vast sea of too many anti-Israel factions, has no recourse but to defend herself and her people.
Portsmouth Herald
To the Editor:
A Portsmouth Herald letter to the editor entitled “Trump Worship and our Democracy,” on April 7, 2021, warns” that our political system needs change.” The letter was factually inaccurate, emotionally immature, lacked substance, and telegraphed subservience to a political system.
The writer states “Trump has managed to get millions of Americans to worship him as if he were God!” Agreeing with President Trump’s American exceptionalism, international trade agreements, beneficial economic and border policies is not “worship.” It is being intelligent, educated, and involved citizens.
Talking about COCID-19 the writer states President Trump “denied the seriousness of the problem for so long”. Absolutely false. On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID a Public Health Emergency. On January 31, 2020, President Trump did likewise and immediately banned flights from China, where the virus originated, and m