Dheeraj Wadhawan, one of the promoters of DHFL currently in jail in a case pertaining to alleged fraud connected to Yes Bank, was denied medical bail by a special court which observed he had not paid Rs 24 lakh for police escort provided to him during his long hospitalisation. In his order of July 14, the details of which were made available on Monday, the special CBI judge MG Deshpande noted that the police had to knock the doors of the court to recover this amount.
Dewan Housing Finance Corporation: In his order of July 14, the details of which were made available on Monday, the special CBI judge MG Deshpande noted that the police had to knock the doors of the court to recover this amount.
Dheeraj Wadhawan, founder of Dewan Housing Finance Ltd (DHFL), has been denied medical bail by a special CBI court in relation to a fraud case at Yes Bank. While the court has allowed him to receive treatment at a private hospital for his heart-related condition, he has been asked not to prolong his stay and must bear the cost of prison staff accompanying him.
Pune-based builder Avinash Bhosale spent Rs 300 crore of the over Rs 550 crore received from Dewan Housing Finance Ltd (DHFL) to buy a property in London, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has said in a charge-sheet.