only that the two entities one the january six committee and through the justice department, that s their judgment tree, t, not min. those things get into legal issues and in fact, i told youha i would not tell the justice department what position to take or not to and i m notrt going to instruct the congress. is it okay when i m crying, laughing by going to senate judiciary chair for eight years and he still thinks what the justice department or senate judiciar can forceea a recusal. an isd he s he talking about? a he has no clue. he doesn t even know the federal standards. he doesn t know.dards. and by the way, what century are we and these people thinkple that in this century and twenty to 2020 two wives are owned by their husbands, you know, i mean, i m quite suresure that justice thomas and his wife wouldn t agree with that concept. yeah, i m involved again. but they re so obsessed with clarence thomas, they he bugs them more than anyone else out there really because he s as stron