Tracing the early roots of the concept of the "Russian world" that sees the Russian state as eternal and impervious to change. Its primary objective is the establishment of a robust national state, a realm of expansionism where autocracy is the only form of governance possible.
Tracing the early roots of the concept of the "Russian world" that sees the Russian state as eternal and impervious to change. Its primary objective is the establishment of a robust national state, a realm of expansionism where autocracy is the only form of governance possible.
Russia faces a litany of long-term economic challenges that will hobble its growth potential but likely won’t be severe enough to force far-reaching political change.
Развитие социально-экономической ситуации в России может негативно повлиять на устойчивость политической системы. Например, изменение энергетического баланса способно лишить российскую власть ренты, с помощью которой она покупает лояльность населения. Какие еще ключевые средне- и долгосрочные вызовы и риски поставят под вопрос состоятельность сложившейся политической модели?