When to opt for systematic transfer plan
Keerthi Sanagasetti
BL Research Bureau |
Updated on
April 18, 2021
STPs enable periodic money transfer between schemes of the same fund-house
For those with a steady stream of income, the SIP (Systematic Investment Plans) route of investing in mutual funds helps with cost averaging. This may, however, not help those with lumpy revenue streams, or those with a lump sum. This is when Systematic Transfer Plans (STP) could come to your rescue.
What is it
STP enables investors to transfer funds from one scheme to another. Investors can periodically withdraw funds from a source scheme and invest the amount in the target/destination scheme of the same fund house. As opposed to a Systematic Withdrawal Plans (SWP), the amount withdrawn from a fund in an STP is immediately invested in another. Besides, investors also get to reap the benefits of rupee cost averaging (in the new fund), akin to an SIP.