Danish prosecution dismissed Wednesday two separate cases against a former defense minister and an ex-head of the country’s foreign intelligence service due to the inability to divulge classified information in court. Last week, Denmark’s highest court ruled that the two cases which have been shrouded in secrecy, should be made public and sessions were to be closed off whenever sensitive information was presented. In a statement, Denmark’s prosecution authority said that “in the interests of the state’s security, it is no longer safe to make highly classified information available in criminal proceedings.”
In two cases that were previously dismissed, a state contract pharmacy case and a case against the 340B prime vendor, the plaintiffs each filed a notice of appeal. In one federal contract pharmacy case, the Court issued a Final Judgment.
Court records show a surge in Cincinnati shootings have scared essential witnesses into silence prompting judges to dismiss charges against accused gunmen. Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters said, "it happens all the time."