It is hard to believe we are only a week away from the first day of autumn. Between the garden harvests, splitting wood, apple picking and the final mows of
S.E.A. grants available for watershed studies by local students Sat, 02/06/2021 - 4:30pm
John Dietter’s Camden-Rockport Middle School 7th grade science class. (Photo courtesy Stewardship Education Alliance)
CAMDEN Students thrive on discovery. And it’s through some of those discoveries that local elementary, middle and high school students are today preparing for a future filled with possibilities and opportunities.
With support of the Stewardship Education Alliance (S.E.A.) – a year-old nonprofit with the mission of increasing community awareness of ways to be better stewards of local watersheds – students, teachers and communities are benefitting from grants for special projects, activities and professional development. The 501 (c)(3) nonprofit has been supporting public and private school educators and after-school programs in Camden and Rockport since 2020, and in January expanded its support to also include public and independent schools in Appleton, Ho