Singh went to Delhi to become a domestic worker but somehow became a sought-after tanpuriya. He is among the last few who haven’t abandoned the manual tanpura.
A series of young singers
Vocalists Bhagyesh Marathe and Samarth Nagarakar blended tradition with an imaginative approach
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Vocalists Bhagyesh Marathe and Samarth Nagarakar blended tradition with an imaginative approach
U.S.-based Cadence Entertainment has been hosting online classical music concerts for a year to a select audience, mainly in the U.S. and India. They are broadcast either live or pre-recorded in studios before broadcast, and are also made available later on demand, for a nominal fee, on their website. What is noteworthy is that the concerts feature a wide cross-section of artistes, many of them young. The series has so far had Nayan Ghosh, Kala Ramnath, Shakir Khan, Satyendra Solanki, Sweekar Katti, Dr. Alka Deo Marulkar, Manjiri Asnare Kelkar, Sanjeev Chimmalgi, Gauri Pathare and Sanika Kulkarni.