Dilip Buildcon share price: The stock surged 20 per cent to hit a 52-week high of Rs 460.50. At this price, the multibagger scrip has rallied 188.35 per cent from its one-year low price of Rs 159.70, a level seen on May 19 last year.
Dilip Buildcon's liquidity may be supported by the issuance of warrants. DBL is also entering into a strategic tie-up for selling a 26 per cent stake in the HAM assets, India Ratings said.
Shares of Gujarat Gas will turn ex-dividend on Monday. The company had announced a final dividend of Rs 6.65 per share. Monday would also be the record date for determining the name of the eligible shareholders.
Dilip Buildcon share price: The counter's 14-day relative strength index (RSI) came at 79.93. A level below 30 is defined as oversold while a value above 70 is considered overbought. The company's stock has a price-to-equity (P/E) ratio of 13.38. It has a price-to-book (P/B) value of 0.64.
Dilip Buildcon share price: The counter's 14-day relative strength index (RSI) came at 75.36. A level below 30 is defined as oversold while a value above 70 is considered overbought. The company's stock has a price-to-equity (P/E) ratio of 11.15. It has a price-to-book (P/B) value of 0.54.