coverage. the fact there was no fallout whatsoever saying stuff like he didn t cross state lines. he did not purchase a gun illegally. that s a fact. he did not purchase a gun illegally. it was legal. he acted in self-defense. they never reported that. there was drone video, high definition drone video that proved that as well. why no accountability for the mainstream media? i think you are absolutely right. i m sure kyle rittenhouse wishes that the only thing the media got wrong was the false claim that he crossed state lines with a gun. for over a year members of the media and the president accused kyle rittenhouse of being a racist and called him a white supremacist when the three people he shot were white and a jury found he acted in self-defense. even after that verdict came down the not guilty verdict came down the president and members of the media pushed this narrative there was some great injustice that occurred. this became such a politically