Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan got emotional on the sets of 'DID L'il Masters' while talking about choreographer-filmmaker Remo D'Souza's health scare. |
Actress Shilpa Shetty will be seen gracing the show 'DID L'il Masters' along with her 'Nikamma' co-stars Abhimanyu Dassani and Shirley Setia. |
MUMBAI: Over the last three decades, Zee TV has been instrumental in providing the Indian youth with a global platform to showcase their singing, dancing, and acting talent. |
Bollywood's 'Hero No. 1' Govinda got so impressed with 'DID L'il Masters' contestant Aarav Sreshtha's performance, that he called him the real 'Hero No. 1' on the show. |