Gauteng police are investigating a shooting in which an alleged member of the Boko Haram gang has been shot dead and his girlfriend wounded in Pretoria.
Tshwane metro cops recover spikes placed by criminals on N4 highway 25 February 2021 - 07:01 The Tshwane metro police department said these spikes are usually placed by criminals to force vehicles to stop after driving over the spikes. Image: TMPD
Tshwane metro police officers recovered metal spikes placed along the N4 highway near the Diamond Hill Toll Plaza.
TMPD spokesperson Isaac Mahamba said the officers made the discovery while patrolling the highway.
“These spikes are usually placed by criminals to force vehicles to stop after driving over the spikes.
“Motorists are then attacked by these perpetrators, especially at night. Targeted areas are mostly highways and quiet roads,” Mahamba said.