Aditi made her acting debut in the year 2021, with the daily soap Bhagya Lakshmi as Aahana Chopra, daughter of Karishma and Manpreet. She subsequently featured in the TV show Naagin 6 as Rhea Kataria. |
Aditi made her acting debut in the year 2021, with the daily soap Bhagya Lakshmi as Aahana Chopra, daughter of Karishma and Manpreet. She subsequently featured in the TV show Naagin 6 as Rhea Kataria. |
:Aditi Shetty plays the role of Kavya Sachdev in the show, her character is madly in love with Ravi but Ravi is in love with her sister Keerti who died. |
Fahmaan Khan who plays the role of Ravi on the show is loved immensely by the fans and they have showered a lot of love on the show and on Fahmaan. |
Shireen Mirza plays the role of Mandeep Randhawa in the show Dharampatni. She started her career by appearing in a reality show MTV Girl's Night Out as a participant. |