Gold and silver buying in India has started to recover after the softening of gold prices, which dropped by Rs 800-1,500 per 10 gram from the peak of Rs 63,000 on October 28. This has prompted buying on Dhanteras, the most auspicious day in the Hindu calendar for buying items from precious metals to utensils.
Diwali is also considered an auspicious time to invest, and many people choose to invest in gold during this period. Buying gold, a safe haven asset, during this festival is believed to bring good fortune and growth in one's wealth. Dhanteras 2023: Indians Eye Investment in Precious Metals, Realty and Stocks for Good Fortune on Auspicious Occasion of Dhanteras Festival.
Dhanteras 2023: The day is considered to be an auspicious day for buying gold and silver jewellery, utensils, and even electronics in a bid to welcome Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Kubera