A new exhibition at the Deutsches Historiches Musuem in Berlin unveils industrial photography of Germany's steel, coal, car, chemical and textile industries from the 1950s to 1980s some in East Germany, some in West. But which was which?
Few composers inspire such a mix of appreciation and disgust as Richard Wagner. Especially in Germany where Wagner's work is understood as a combination of national cultural jewel and national political embarrassment the composer's work is laden with meaning and interpretation.
Conspiracy theories are coming in hard and fast during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of them even sound plausible. So it's important to know: what makes a conspiracy theory? And why are they so popular?
OXFORD, Nov 27 More than 200 refugees and asylum seekers will be trained as tour guides at several Oxford museums over the next five years. This innovative initiative is part of the “Multaka” project, launched in 2015 in Germany. This five-year training program recently received a £1.