French workers can now eat lunch at their desks without breaking the law Share Updated: 12:52 PM PST Feb 16, 2021 By Saskya Vandoorne, CNN Business
French workers can now eat lunch at their desks without breaking the law Share Updated: 12:52 PM PST Feb 16, 2021
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Show Transcript working at home means you get to choose how to spend your lunch break. But experts have advice and how to spend that time wisely. It might be tempting to just work through your lunch break, but experts say that could do more harm than good. Huffpost spoke with psychologists Lee Chambers, who said in part, We only have the capacity to work deeply on task for around four hours of each day, so there is little value in stealing time from your lunch. Take a break away from your computer. Inc spoke to seasoned work from home professionals and one piece of advice. Waas. Take a really lunch break set work aside for a little while to eat food away from your com