Moira Farnell had repeatedly contacted Milton Keynes City Council to report the pavement outside her home in the Water Eaton area of the city was a trip hazard for pedestrians
Rayis Nibeel was sentenced to 20 years’ jail last week for the September 2023 stabbing of Omar Khan, 38, in Luton, Beds. The teen owned 39 hunting knives, 15 machetes and 12 swords
Marie Gumpert saved the lives of 25 people when a coach driver suddenly collapsed at the wheel, after rushing to the front of vehicle and safely guiding it to the hard shoulder
Jack Sharpe, 28, has been jailed after he displayed 'inexplicable stupidity' and pulled his friend's handbrake for no reason as they travelled at 60mph on A259 near Chichester
Matthew Waddell violently attacked mother-of-three Sarah Albone in in Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, after she had made it clear she wanted to end their relationship