Borràs creu que ara “no és factible” una nova consulta unilateral com la de l 1-O || Torra demana a ERC, JxCat i la CUP un pla sobre com assolir la independència
És ben curiós que davant la nova tragèdia ecològica que està patint el Mar Menor, el president de Múrcia acusi al govern de l estat d inactivitat i demani la declaració de zona catastròfica.
to retrieve damani and take him back across the border, back into isis territory. we also learned while there are reports, anyway, still unconfirmed that demani entered into turkey on the 14th of november, the day after the attacks, and he came in through amsterd amsterdam, but there are reports that there was no alert on him whatsoever, which is why he wasn t arrested at the airport, harry. kelly cobeila with us, thank you. while isis has claimed responsibility for the attacks in paris, an al qaeda affiliate group is taking credit for the deadly attack in mali. joining me now is hillary man leave receive leverette, middle east expert for both the clinton and george w. bush administrations. good morning. we spoke about a week ago, just when these attacks in paris were fresh. as we ve learned a lot about who is responsible, about some of the travels of those