Temperatures in several parts of Delhi again breached the 47 degrees Celsius mark on Monday, with the weather office issuing a 'red alert' for the next five days due to heatwave to severe heatwave conditions in the national capital.
Delhi Air Pollution Today: Get real-time updates on air quality index of your region. With Odd-Even scheme starting in Delhi from Nov 13-Nov 20, know details, restrictions and more at news18.com
In the aftermath of recent heavy monsoon floods that inundated parts of Delhi, health officials are grappling with a significant surge in dengue cases.
Amid heavy rainfall in Delhi and nearby areas over the past few weeks,there is a spike in conjunctivitis cases in the Delhi-NCR region, particularly during the monsoon season. According to Dr. JS Titiyal, the chief of RP Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences at AIIMS, the national capital is reporting around 100 cases of conjunctivitis per day. This increase is usual during the monsoon season and often c
Delhi reported 564 fresh coronavirus cases with a positivity rate of 14.93 per cent, and one Covid-related fatality on Saturday, according to data shared by the city government's health department.