Despite being a talented star, a poorly written work can break one’s all-time high streak. Here are four actors whose comeback works flopped this year.
#ImSooHyang #JangNaRa #ParkHyungSik #KimMinGyu
Han Gye Jeol was shocked about Kokdu's past, when he asked for a second chance, Gye Jeol had a hard time if she could still trust him for what he did in "Kokdu: Season of Deity" episode 13.
#KokduSeasonofDeityEpisode13 #KimJungHyun #imSooHyang
To make sure Han Gye Jeol is safe, Kokdu proposes they live together. Here's what happened in "Kokdu: Season of Deity" episodes 9 and 10.
#KokduSeasonofDeity #KokduSeasonofDeityEpisode9 #KimJungHyun #ImSooHyang #KokduSeasonofDeityEpisode10 #SeasonOfKkokdu
MBC's ongoing fantasy-romance drama is gaining attention from the viewers, especially now that Kokdu is convinced that Han Gye Jeol is his first love.