Created by Jesse Korman, Jimmy Lazer and Richard Nardo, the cartoon universe filled with heavy metal monsters, mutants, and misfits gets its first animated short about DJJ, the youngest son of the Grim Reaper, as he attempts to start a band for all the wrong reasons.
new york, stabbed 12 times while trying to stop a greaser. on wednesday. the dog named norby, the suspect who stabbed norby with a nice repeatedly. shortly the dog was able to walk out of the emergency vet on his own and he should be okay. please give him the same sloot they gave their other officers. coming up, more, more on the social media wars. are you team twitter team threads, we will find out. but first, sheriff s deputy in georgia races against time to save a woman from a car on fire. and if only taking out the trash was this easy. the day s best viral videos next.
(NAPS)I When the weather gets warmer, many say it’s time for spring cleaning. While this isn’t everyone’s idea of fun, there are four simple ways to make sure your spring cleaning is …