On Sunday, January 29, Crenshaw Christian Center (CCC), hosted a brain wellness event in response to the outsized impact of dementia and a form of the disease, Alzheimer’s, on the African American community.
The ‘neuro-9’: nine foods you should eat to nourish a midlife brain
Alzheimer’s and dementia are typically problems that we face later in life but it is never too early to protect the body s most active organ
13 May 2021 • 1:23pm We advocate a clean, plant-based approach focused around the nine NEURO points: nutrition, exercise, unwind, restore and optimise
Dean Sherzai, MD, PhD is a neurologist and the co-director of the Alzheimer’s Prevention Program at Loma Linda University
Our brain is the most active organ in our body, consuming 25 per cent of our energy and at times up to 50 per cent of our oxygen, even while we sleep. A balanced diet is crucial for helping it function at its highest capacity, yet all too often brain health is overlooked.