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CLAY HEADS TO K STREET: Former Congressman
Lacy Clay, who represented St. Louis in the House for two decades before his primary defeat last year by Rep.
Cori Bush (D-Mo.) is joining the law and lobbying firm
Nearly 20 groups have signed on to the campaign so far, including Patriotic Millionaires, a group of millionaires who believe the rich should pay higher taxes. Activist groups Indivisible and Tax March, which is currently running a seperate campaign calling for higher taxes, are also involved.
The effort will initially target the Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity, the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. All of these groups have either pushed back or lobbied against aspects of Biden s massive spending agenda, which is geared toward revamping infrastructure, increasing green technology, and providing health and education aid to families.