Gen. Ulysses S. Grant’s prudent navigation of nascent legal concepts to diminish his force’s reliance on supply lines and forage for provisions enabled battlefield success. Today, Grant’s actions provide a cogent legal blueprint for contemporary military leaders in future operational planning.
to get the enemy to behave the way that we want them to behave. i m prohibited from doing that to our own people. when you asked me to try to use these skills on senators and congressmen, you re crossing a line. let s bring back our company. pat buchanan, karen hunter and robert traynham. it is not legal to do this, if you look at the defense department guidelines, psychological operations, against our own people. pat what do you think was going on here? do you believe this could have happened? well, it ought to be investigated, but i don t really make a whole lot of this, chris, for this reason. john mccain and joe lieberman and admiral mullen, you know, they didn t just fall off the turnip truck on the way into town. pat, does that matter? to me, isn t the question, whether you know, they were trying to use mind games against our open own people? what are mind games? the question is that s what they re trained to do. why do we in veez people if they re not useful.