i want to tell all of you here today something that i m not sure you know. you do know that i m a member of the nra. and my position on the right to bear arms is well-known but i want you to know something else and i m poing to say it in clear unmistakable language. i support the brady bill and i urge the congress to enact it. today you can t get the party that worships that man to say those words. that is right. but in the interest of real balance here, first of all, the most important fact about the guns that were used in newtown, is that the shooter had a choice of weapons and he did not choose the two deer hunting rifles that were also in the house available
of weapons and he did not choose the two deer hunting rifles that were also in the house available to him. so it is very clear what should and should ptnn t be legal. but it is important to note unless we get aheld of the mental health situation in this country. we are going to continue to have these massacres. i know parents of grown children who have had violent tendencies and they live in fear that their kid is going to be the next shooter and they have had no legal recourse. none. we have to be able to protect ourselves from people who have had severe psychological violence and we kcannot have
busyness business of dealing with the grief ends. we have everything we need right now and we can safely say newtown has everything it needs. senator chris murphy, thaw for coming and we know you have to go. you wrote about aurora, in the wake of aurora, about how the gun won, the cover story for time magazine. below does the story go from here? i think the gun control piece is easy, in many ways, the easiest piece of it. the shooter had a choice of weapons. he did not take the deer hunting rifles to do a massacre, took the semi-automatics. that seems to me the bright line in the gun debate. semi-automatic assault weapons, we have to get rid of those.