Last year marked the 80th anniversary of Irving Berlin’s classic song “White Christmas.” Bing Crosby first released it in World War II-era 1942 followed by some 500 versions from various
Beef & Boards does the song’s nostalgia justice with the stage version of the movie, an adaptation that premiered in 2004. “Irving Berlin’s White Christmas” runs Dec. 31; pre-Christmas tickets
Beef & Boards does the song’s nostalgia justice with the stage version of the movie, an adaptation that premiered in 2004. “Irving Berlin’s White Christmas” runs Dec. 31; pre-Christmas tickets
A one-sentence plot-line. A lifelong feud between two neighbors since childhood only worsens when a new female neighbor moves across the street and turns into a two-hour tromp through basic
Love is at the fulcrum between a sense of duty and honoring emotional truth. A timeless story of finding selfhood, set in “The City of Lights,” where the most famous