The Rhode Island Military Organization (RIMO) Lounge at the Rhode Island T.F. Green International Airport was packed with state representatives Thursday along with a check large in both …
Cranston’s population of multilingual learners (MLL) has doubled in the past eight years. In 2015, the district had 514 students for whom English was their second language. By 2023, that …
Should Rhode Island’s children have a constitutional right to an education? The U.S. Constitution doesn’t actually guarantee Americans the right to an education, according to legal …
In 2015, Johnston schools counted just 113 multilingual learners (MLL) in the district. Eight years later, that number has more than doubled, to 270 MLL students in 2023, and that number continues to …
Tiffany Beltram believes in “bite-sized” professional development for Warwick teachers to understand how to instruct a growing enrollment of students who speak a language other than …