Dear Mrs Powell, I spoke to you a few years ago and you explained to me that the best chance of getting selected under the Express Entry System was for my boyfriend and myself to sit the English exam and get our education assessed. Since then, I.
Dear Mrs Powell, I have a few questions for you about the Express Entry System in Canada. Would you be kind enough to explain how it works? Do I need a job offer to apply? Does having relatives in Canada help my application? What documents will I.
Dear Mrs Powell, What is the best programme to use to move to Canada? My wife and I are professionals, and we are interested in making Canada our home. Most people said I should apply via the Express Entry. Is that the best route? Who can apply via.
Dear Mrs Powell, I am 36 years old, and I have a sister living in Canada. I applied for a study permit to do a master’s programme starting in September, but I haven’t received a response as yet. My sister contacted me to say that there are new.
Dear Mrs Powell, I just read an article relating to foreign nationals who wish to migrate to Canada. I am a chemical engineer and have been working in an alumina refinery for over six years. I am interested in applying but not sure of the process.