Scam artists can be quite good at bullying, coercing, or tricking an older person into paying substantial sums of money and yet very few people will report the act, often out of embarrassment.
Advance directives and the Maryland MOLST (Medical Order for Life Sustaining Treatment) forms are both documents that contain information about the medical care you want in case there is a time when you are unable to express informed consent.
Progressive dementias affect hearing; the person does not necessarily have a hearing loss, rather they may be unable to process sounds and interpret what they are hearing due to changes in their brain.
The first thing that you need to do is to take care of yourself. That may seem strange to say so soon after his diagnosis [of dementia], but he is going to need you more and more as time goes on, so you must maintain your physical and emotional health.
Many people just do not know how to react or what to say when someone they care about has dementia (or any other debilitating disease) and can no longer participate in activities like they used to do.