Five Days Into Commercial Dungeness Season, Seafood Buyers, Fishermen Haggle Over Price
A sampling from last year s commercial Dungeness season struggle to leave its tote. File photo: Jessica Cejnar.
Though California’s commercial Dungeness season opened five days ago, Crescent City’s commercial fleet has yet to drop pots as fishermen and buyers haggle over price.
Fishermen are asking for $3.25 per pound while Pacific Choice Seafoods, of Eureka, is offering $2.50 per pound, Rick Shepherd, Crescent City Commercial Fisherman’s Association president and Crescent City Harbor District commissioner, told the
Wild Rivers Outpost at about 11:30 a.m. Monday.
Shepherd said he would know more after a 1 p.m. meeting Monday. After the meeting, at about 3 p.m., he told the