Hats off to you folks on your narrative regarding the unnecessary delays and bureaucratic bungling on this project (“Our View: Congress Square deserves better,” March 23). Here is an example of the city “saving money” by not hiring a clerk of the works to represent its interests. Too often city hubris gets in the way […]
Hats off to Jacqueline Sartoris for her well-written opinion piece (“Encampments are not conducive to connection, community,” Dec. 6). Her compassionate viewpoints and the realities she presented place me firmly in her camp of beliefs. Davies Allan Westport Island
Isabelle Rogers, clearly trained by others in her movement, resorts to an effusive amount of hyperbole in touting the perils of climate change (“Maine Voices: Youth need adults to stop CMP corridor once and for all,” March 30). So much so that she mistakenly lumps in hydropower with other demons. There’s nothing cleaner and more […]