house. let me tell you, dream of people. butler s, the housekeepers, they would all stop by and they would grandma s room was like the confessional marion robinson was 86-years-old thanks for joining us ac30 60 with anderson starts now tonight are 360. the former president on loads and the verdict that made him a convicted felon and republicans join him and attacking the criminal justice says stem, what s ahead in his case in new polling on the political impact also tonight, someone who knows what it s like to get inside his head or to the deal goes right. are tony schwartz and how his former subject may have they ll the days ahead and breaking news, the details of president biden s new ceasefire proposal for gaza, the timing of it, and the reception. it s getting good evening. thanks for joining us. we begin tonight. i with what comes next legally politically and otherwise now the donald trump is a convicted felon. both he and president biden weight in today, the presi
put donald trump in jail for our case. it s a misdemeanor. they re not put people in jail hill who are robin stores in new york. it s insane. you even ban would oppose that. but under first, first step act, van would be participating in asking for the release of donald trump than and then we got to go i agree that he s not going to jail anybody who says he s going to jail, paying attention the way i gets, didn t say he is going to just was talking about various legal aspects. said he could go to jail maybe conceivably, yes. by law yes, he could go to jail. he also could be conceivably grow hair it s not going back. i m not sure which one i placed bets, but they look, david urban van jones guys. thank you very much coming up next at assessment of what this conviction looks like. through the eyes of the convict, tony schwartz, the man who goes wrote the art of the deal, joins us. later, president biden s new ceasefire proposal for the israel-hamas war. and how it s being received
thank you, judge grosso carefree magnaflow, as well. the political impact. now, some new polling from reuters, ipsos and appears to show republican voters doing republican lawmakers have been doing since the verdict only falling in line. take a look at the row in the middle of the screen post-conviction in 14% say they would not vote for the former president pretrial 24% said they would not vote for him if you were convicted felon said another way, republicans in this bowl said they are now more likely to vote for the former president since he became a felon. joining us now to cnn, political commentators from the right and left respectively, david urban and van jones. van, i mean, you see republic we can support for the former president has grown post-conviction at least in that poll should the biden campaign be worried about a similar effect you think in swing voters. oh, i think it s predictable first of all, let s not forget. this was not the strong case. this is not, this is