Effective October 2, 2023, CMC in The Philippines will join BDO, the fifth-largest accountancy network in the world. Led by a team of experienced and future-oriented accounting professionals, the new firm will carry the name BDO CMC, as it combines deeply embedded local roots with a strong global network. Standing…
Healthcare Digital considers some of the leading LGBTQ+ healthcare organisations that continue to pioneer global healthcare for marginalised communities
reports on the growing concernç over the use of full-body scanners at airports across the country. it uses x-rays to see right through clothing and identify all kinds of potential threats. critics call it an electronic strip search. woodruff: we have a conversation with long-time congressman barney frank of massachusetts as he announces plans to retire at the end of this term. brown: and hari sreenivasan talks with global-post correspondent iaon grillo about his new book el narco, which chronicles the growth of mexico s violent drug cartels. major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: computing surrounds us. sometimes it s obvious and sometimes it s very surprising where you find it. soon, computing intelligence in unexpected places will changeó & our lives in truly profound ways.ç technology can provide customized experiences, tailored to individual consumer preferences, igniting a world of possibilities from the inside out. sponsoring tomorrow, s
it uses x-rays to see right through clothing and identify all kinds of potential threats. critics call it an electronic strip search. woodruff: we have a conversation with long-time congressman barney frank of massachusetts as he announces plans to retire at the end of this term. brown: and hari sreenivasan talks with global-post correspondent iaon grillo about his new book el narco, which chronicles the growth of mexico s violent drug cartels. major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: computing surrounds us. sometimes it s obvious and sometimes it s very surprising where you find it. soon, computing intelligence in unexpected places will changeó & our lives in truly profound ways.ç technology can provide customized experiences, tailored to individual consumer preferences, igniting a world of possibilities from the inside out. sponsoring tomorrow, starts today. and with the ongoing support of these institutions and foundations. and. this program wa