when you save up to 45% at travelocity. our girl s an architect. our boy s a genius. you look amazing! you look like a beach angel! [ male announcer ] save up to 45on summer vacations at travelocity. [ gnome ] it s go time. clayton: the announcement heard around the world, president obama s shocking policy shift toward israel. borders of israel and palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps. so secure and recognized borders are established for both states. but the president s public support for two state solution, was it a political mistake?
bake realities. the first is that while israel is prepared to make generallous compromises for peace it cannot go back to the 1967 lines because they are indefensible. they do not take into account certain changes that have taken place on the ground, demographic changes, that have taken place over the last 44 years. clayton: and they are trying to smooth things over because of weird reports coming from washington there could have been a fiery phone call between netanyahu and secretary clinton and the white house saying, no, maybe not that, it cannot happen. and being portrayed, the press secretary saying, well, everyone is on the same page. take a listen. the president said in the
sure we have the resources fess to make a legitimate run at this and obviously people want to help, you can go to www.ricksantorum.com and we are encouraged. clayton: is it too crowded going up against the obama administration machine which has started? is it too crowded? guest: well, i don t think is. look, this is an opportunity for republicans to do something they have not had a chance to do in a lot of republican primaries. buildly it is the next person in line s turn and republicans have had a choice of that next person in line or maybe someone else. but this is a wide open race and i tell folks in iowa last night speaking to 100 folks at a house party, you have the opportunity, really, to get involved with the campaign because there are so many, an opportunity to get involved and get active and make a decision against the republican operatives in
clayton: it is not just the jewish vote, it is also about the larger support of israel. forget the jewish vote, americans support israel. karl rove last night talked about president obama s drug el with the jewish base. there are problems among jewish voters. there was an withing piece in the new york times where obama campaign said we have problems because we are presumed against israel. the language is there. when president obama talks about israel occupying, you cannot have a vibrant democracy if you depend upon occupation, that is the language of the left and those who hate israel. dave: why he made the speech is a great question, why come out before netanyahu and the election. he is accused of being the campaigner in chief why do something that hurts going
and with flooding concerns, a big storm brewing and we are stuck in the slow-moving pattern of storms and the rain will fall and cause flooding concerns. along with it the area across the central part of the country and tornado alley, a threat today for south dakota or nebraska, excuse me, to texas and the next five days, precipitation-wise, a lot of precipitation draining into the mississippi so it will she down the draining process. guys? clayton: what would you do. you buy a new home. you go through the closing and through the garage and you get there and there were items left around. they were going through the garage and the husband opens up the trunk and discovers $40,000 in this old military trunk.