theology and are believed. if a christian comes forward, is that credible, do they have any intelligence behind that? there are stupid visions of course there are, there are stupid atheists, it s about faith. what do you think of c st. louis, or thomas aquinas, i think particular will that they think that christians are not very bright. dave: and perhaps the most fundamental thing you want to point out is number two on the list, the notion that jesus didn t exist, michael. yeah, you hear this a great deal from people who think they re clever. oh, jesus didn t exist, you don t have to bloo he have that he s from the a lot of compelling evidence that he was, but go on pagan and nonchristian jewish ranks in the world, most of christianity couldn t hear them and couldn t spell them for goodness sake and these
bright young prospects coming up in the nationals seem to be getting good ones. alisyn: straussberg and harper, what a combo. did the red sox play last night. dave: with the yankees not a good time for boston, thanks for remind are me. clayton: phillies i sense he knew that. clayton: let s head to rick reichmuth at the new york city triathlon. and i saw driving through queens, they have the fire hydrants, water spraying for the kids as relief. will we see that again today? will we need it? yes, it is still going to be hot today in new york city, obviously, the people in the triathlon, it s warm today, but five degrees cooler than yesterday. the big relief comes tomorrow and if you take a look at the weather maps, you can see exactly that. the tomorrow s high temperature set up here and conditions improve a lot for almost everybody, even down across the areas of the southeast, and raleigh, 93. tomorrow, you re about 103 today. member sis 86. that s a big improvement for a
older and needs to be put in a case and we would prefer that somebody else a collector, passionate to baseball wants to have it and maintain it. dave: and you can have a piece of it. you can bid on this, auctioned off tuesday at all-star game in kansas city. now, this ball was a graduation gift to your son, who now has you say around $200,000. over 200,000. dave: but my question, it was a graduation gift from your brother. is your brother a bit upset that he gave him such a cherished piece of baseball history and now is going to sell it? no, my family is very happy for my son, and it s when you re given a gift to anyone, it s really they can do with what they want and i just want to add that the auction, it s in kansas city, but if anybody else wants to bid on it, there s an online auction as well and they can go to hunt alisyn: and in fact has started. online bidding had as started. how much do you think it s worth? originally when i first investigated this a few years ago, just, i just wanted to sort of get a feeling for what baseball memorabilia was all about i thought maybe worth, maybe, $10,000. . dave: right. but dave hunt, the head of hunt auctions said that it could go for, you kn over $200,000. alisyn: and you must have been very happy to hear that. well, i sort of didn t believe him and then when i received the catalog a few weeks ago and i opened up the catalog and in the catalog on the front cover was my baseball, well, it s not my baseball, my son s baseball inside said it could be valued from 100 to $200,000 and you say those aren t always accurate it can go for a lot more. dave: right now the highest bid $37,000 on the online
dave: if it hadn t been gestapo, would it have gotten your attention? no, i m not in favor of nazi imagery, sometimes politician have to use these words to get their point across. alisyn: things they do. dave: case in point, alan west coming up on the program who says the government wants you to be economic slaves, i ll ask him about that later in the program. are some of the words harmful or attention. clayton: and what does it do to the families that actually dealt with slavery in their past. alisyn: or the holocaust. in life, drink a beer, what the president decided he should do in ohio, pennsylvania, he has been seen stopping at various watering holes and ordering beers of the middle class. he s had a miller light. he s had a budweiser.