At Feed More Western New York, the food bank has found a way that helps bring food access to residents of Buffalo’s East side, and beyond.And it’s an idea that is likely to sprout up elsewhere too.
Jay Moran visits the Community Missions in Niagara Falls to talk with Eric Boerdner about their SNUG anti-violence program. Then Dave Debo chats with Dawn Askew from Every Person Influences Children (EPIC) to learn about their Strong African American Families classes.
Of the 43 people who died in Erie County during Winter Storm Elliott, at least 20 victims were Black, 18 were White and one was Hispanic. Today we hear from two strong East Side voices asking why almost half were people of color, in a county that is only 13 percent Black. First up, Dave Debo talks with Buffalo Poet Laureate Jillian Hanesworth. Then Thomas O’Neil White continues the conversation with attorney Karina Tefft of The National Center for Law and Economic Justice and Jalonda Hill from the Fair Fines and Fees Coalition and Colored Girls Bike Too.
Dave Debo's journalism career runs the gamut from public radio to commercial radio, from digital projects to newspapers. With over 30 years of experience, he's produced national television news programs and has worked as both a daily and weekly print journalist and web editor.
Dave Debo's journalism career runs the gamut from public radio to commercial radio, from digital projects to newspapers. With over 30 years of experience, he's produced national television news programs and has worked as both a daily and weekly print journalist and web editor.