between john kerry and iran s foreign minister. the talks are aimed at convincing assad in the civil war. the white house wants russia to withdraw its support for assad. and don t adjust your set. you are looking at the blood moon. a lunar eclipse and a super moon. theories of impending doom by one mormon author has sparked fierce and sales of emergency goods. the mor upon church is asking mormon church is asking people to ignore such speculation. now back to red eye. for all of your headlines go to fox dash dash go to fox welcome to red eye. i m tom shillue. let s check in with andy levy. sad day at the red eye news desk, tom. why is that?
of it. he is like an iphone. the computer screen she can be in line and talk to people. it is like she is virtually there. the only thing that is counterproductive is she is actually sitting there the entire time so it is weird. it is like operating a drone. she is sitting there watching people from her robot. that s weird. are we making an informat dash darrin formal set of rules? an informal set of rules? isn t that weird that you don t want to be there, but watch everyone? she said she stayed uh waib the whole time. she wasn t. i don t care, but i think it is odd. there would be a thing where the row robots have to why wait in line? you can buy it all on-line. you mean on-line, on-line. there s computers? new yorkers say i m waiting
you can make me do anything. no. that interview was so funny. i don t watch john oliver s show, but now i want to. i thought it was brilliant. that s what makes it so funny. like you said he was asking the right questions. how has no one asked him this before. and to see him caught off guard was the best. i should have read all of them. i am no longer a hero. pete, that leads to a point. a lot of people and i think snowden himself was surprised that john oliver got contentious. his wife is actually an iraq war veteran. i knew her years ago. he is more inviesed personally in the dash darrin vested personally than anybody else. he talked about intelligence of al-qaeda in mosul and he looked at edward snowden and
marshall service. i have been petitioning against it for years. there is n easiest take away. you get rid of that and you get rid of the problem. what began as an allegation of threats has expanded into a criminal inquiry. first of all don t cheat on your spouse. second of all, don t cheat with someone at work. every time one of these criminal inqir dash darrin queries happens it starts with a scorned lover. this happens every time. don t do it. how can they resist? you foe what i do? this is my you know what i do? i keep it in my pocket and keep the badge bunnies away. you are more attractive when it is out. i do the same thing with my tax advisor. joanne would you ever abuse your power in this way that this woman did? i don t think she thinks she is abusing her power.
come up with a mascot. come up with mizled the health care cat. she was doing that. it was not a miss pronunciation. it was a bob and weave. a well that is interesting. i am glad you brought that up. i thought it was a written quote. i learned something. she is a strange person. it was hooters or bust. an oregon middle school football coach, is there they other kind was fired for planning a dinner at hooters. he refused to cave to pressure to move the party elsewhere because he always told his boys for standing up what they believe in. and he felt hooters was inproat interpret for dash darrin appropriate for families. administrators sent a letter home to parents saying the